CPA House is a network of websites that offers exclusive deals to its users and pays earnings from
each transaction. In other words, it is an affiliate network. CPA House ensures that you'll receive
high royalties for converting your traffic & secure high payouts for your efforts! It provides the tools
you need to succeed and the support of an experienced team dedicated to your success. In
previous years Affiliate marketing has boomed like a great resource over the internet to earn; it
might be challenging to get started if you are new to this domain. CPA house has been an excellent
kick-starter for new affiliates.
Easy to use interface
Get easy payouts with a minimum amount of $50.
Choose your offer from more than 500 offers available as per your goals.
CPA House creates its landing page to get much attention, resulting in better CR
and AR.
Much better payouts and affiliate offer as compared to other networks.
The only con that you might encounter while using the CPA house is that you might find some of the
pages in the Russian language, and they might ban you from withdrawing your funds if you are
found doing any fraud or malpractice.
CPA house has been in the market for quite some time now; before starting their affiliate network
dedicated to optimized push, pops, and affiliate links, they worked upon their traffic from different
traffic sources. CPA House has great optimized and split testing; the landers are all tested to get the
best and optimized results with better earning. The affiliate partners in CPA House have been
delivering significant returns to their active affiliates. So far, a lower threshold amount and greater
returns have been a game-changer in affiliate marketing.
You can start with CPA House as it has an excellent easy-to-use interface; even new affiliates can
get along with the features that CPA House offers with a threshold amount of just $50 better than
other affiliate networks with such great features and accessible features to use interface.
Start Working CPA House:
CPA house has an easy-to-use interface making it easy to get along with new users. If you are
looking forward to using CPA house, it has a very minimal-looking homepage, and getting along CPA
network will be an easy thing for you.
Creating an income from affiliate marketing might be your primary goal. Still, the features and easy to-use interface will help make you better in affiliate marketing as well.
On the CPA House website's homepage, you can sign up for the Affiliate program they offer. After
successful signup, the CPA house website will direct you to your account across the CPA network.
It won't be difficult for a new user to get along with the program CPA house offers; the homepage
will show you the statistics and the earning you have used in your network so far.
The page will show you many options used for a better analysis of your network and the money you
earned from fellow affiliates.
You'll come across options like:
Flows and Smart TDS (tax deduction source)
API (Application Programming Interface)
Leads and much more
How to Make Money using CPA House?
The answer to this question is quite simple. Still, the process might take some time on your level
because you need to work along on your network and get yourself better. Still, the CPA network will
be making it easier and for you, as it uses several features that will make your journey in Affiliate
marketing bump-free.
Now let's get along with what will be the steps you might need to get along with CPA House and
boost your affiliate journey:
Get yourself a CPA House Account:
As discussed earlier, you need to get yourself signed up in CPA House, making you a part of this
affiliate network. After getting signed up, you will be redirected to a new home page with links and
features like the dashboard, statistics, news, offers, referrals, etc. You will see the total earnings you
made using your affiliate links and your traffic source network.
Generate your Traffic source:
To create your traffic source, click on the source button. After signing in, click on sources and use
the add new source button to add your traffic source through which people are getting directed to
your affiliate links. The advertising network or the type of site you are using is added here. It might
show you sections like:
a) Source name: Fill up the name of the source you are getting your traffic from.
b) Source link: Fill in the link of your traffic source.
c) Source Description: Add description, tags, or the keys regarding your source.
Select your offer from over 500 offers available:
You can select the offer you need to get along with among 500+ available offers. The offers
available also have a filter and sorting process depending upon your goals, status, category,
countries, payout currency, etc. You will get access to push notification formats and other ways to
get better conversion rates along with your network.
You should pay attention while viewing the offers and always consider the CR and AR under each
available offer; the clicks made are used to automatically calculate AR and Conversion rates. You
might come across offers with no data, but you should not be confused as it does not have enough
clicks to calculate AR and CR, so don't worry.
After the above steps, you can Request access to the offer, fill up the information needed, and get
redirected along with the Create Flow page. After that, name your Flow as you want and ADD it, and
its done.
Get Started with Awesome Payouts that CPA House offers:
You can edit your links with CPA House, and you can go to the Flow option that we just came across
earlier, go to the Icon under Link and fill out the information needed. There are templates available.
You will also come across blank panels like SUBID1, 2, 3, and 4, which can fill them in from your advertising network or manually.
Withdraw funds:
The easiest step is a withdrawal, and you are all set to get a withdrawal after hitting your first $50.
To withdraw, go to the Payout option and ask for withdrawal as per the options available.
As a closure, it is a great affiliate network. With dedicated critical features as mentioned above, you
will be able to grow in affiliate marketing compared to other networks depending upon the efforts
you are ready to put in.
Specification: CPA.HOUSE
Number of Offers
Commission Type
Minimum Payment
3000 rubles, $50 dollars, €50 euros
Payment Frequency
Daily upon request
Payment Method
WebMoney, Yandex Money, QIWI, Capitalist, Bank Cards, USDR TRC20
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